Sixty Books Is Not A Number

Sixty Books a journey, not a destination; it’s a mindset, not a competition.

Each person may actually have a different number of books that he or she reads in a year, and the number can vary from year to year. Thirty books can be “sixty books” and so can forty-five, or seventy, or one hundred and fifteen. It’s not about the number.

#SixtyBooks is an idea that incorporates reading as a fundamental and non-negotiable part of our routine and encourages lifelong learning.

If someone sets a goal to read a book each week, they are already at fifty-two books. sixtySixty is a nice way to round it up.

It’s also an attainable and realistic goal for most of us. Maybe not at first, especially when one isn’t accustomed to reading regularly, but it can be achieved through practice.

Even the busiest individuals have time to read about twenty pages a day. At that pace, considering books at about three hundred pages, a person would finish reading a book in about two weeks. By doubling the effort and making time to read forty pages a day, a person can finish the book in just one week.

Anything more might be too much. Not that it isn’t possible to read more, and to enjoy reading more books, but is it really possible to reflect on it all when we read that much? Sixty Books is not just about reading for enjoyment, it’s about enjoying reading for growth.

And, sometimes thinking in terms of numbers simply helps us better understand abstract thought. The term Sixty Books helps establish a common vocabulary with which we can discuss and explore the idea further.

Whether fiction or nonfiction, contemporary works or classics, we learn something from everything we read.

We learn facts.

We learn about the world.

We learn compassion.

We learn about ourselves.

We find examples and non-examples.

We are inspired.

Sixty Books, therefore, is about absorbing ideas and lessons from each of the books we read and applying them into our own lives. Sixty Books is about growing as an individual and evolving, innovating, updating on a regular basis. Sixty Books is about sharing ideas and learning from one another.

How many books are in your #SixtyBooks? Continue the conversation here in the comments section below or on Twitter.


7 thoughts on “Sixty Books Is Not A Number

      1. Right now, I’m switching between Ray Bradbury’s ‘Zen and the Art of Writing’ and Barbara Hambly’s ‘The Silent Tower’ 🙂 Both are really awesome!


  1. Thanks for this
    So well written and thought out. Resonated deeply with me I must say. Especially this:

    “Sixty Books is not just about reading for enjoyment, it’s about enjoying reading for growth.”

    I am currently reading Odditorium by Gregory Funaro. Quite fun. Have the arc of book two qued up next. Happy New Year and thanks again for the great food for thought!


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